Solved : AZ VM create error Azure error resource group not found

If you are trying to create the azure virtual machine using the power shell or the bash shell , you might have encountered with this resource group not found error:

AZ VM create error Azure error resource group not found

This error says that your resource group is not available. Possible reason could be that you have misspelled the resource group hence just verify that.

Second reason could be the resource group is not created at all before running this command. The above command is for the virtual machine creation , it expects that resource group should already exist.

You can run the following to list all the available resource group

> Get Az-ResourceGroup

Verify the resource group which you mentioned in the VM command would be available in above command ouptut.

You can create the resource group using the following command :

>New-AzResourceGroup -Name your_resource_group_name -Location your_location

Once your resource group is created , now you can run again the command for vm creation :

Now we are able to create the virtual machine successfully.

Things which you must know about Resource Group :


Deepak Goyal is certified Azure Cloud Solution Architect. He is having around decade and half experience in designing, developing and managing enterprise cloud solutions. He is also Big data certified professional and passionate cloud advocate.